Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Family picnic

Well, all good things must come to an end I spose, so we left Pine Ridge and headed for Goulburn where we settled in a tree lined avenue on the outskirts of the city facing a sports park in Eastgrove, so we had a great view of the green grass in the park and the trees surrounding it.

Looking toward the post office tower

The old brewery  in the background

For the first couple of days the temperature was over 30oC but on Sunday night we had some steady rain and it cooled down after that
Our son Heath rang and came over on Sunday with his family for a picnic.

"Here they are"

Elizabeth (left) and Victoria


It was really good to see the grandkids and their parents
The children loved Mollie and spent most of the day playing ball with her

Heath and Blaine with Victoria
Cheryl and Maureen

Late in the afternoon, the clouds got heavy and most of us went up to "Rocky Hill" lookout

Our parking spot