Friday, December 9, 2011


Getting close to Christmas and there are very few people coming through the facility. The days are mostly hot  (up to 40o) but with dips to 23o rain threatens often gut produces very little most of the time.
Had a dust storm a couple of days ago but lucky for us the wind changed and blew it north so we only got the edge of it . Still put a layer of red talcum powder all over and inside the bus.

Don't know how I missed telling you about our new puppy.Before we found Mollie, we had previously looked at a litter of thoroughbred  Staffordshire Terriers and had seen one that Maureen really liked, but had rejected it due to cost. However, a few weeks after we lost her, the kennel owner rang us saying that we could have the dog at a fraction of the price. We had decided to wait until February when we returned from Hong Kong but it was too good to pass up. So now we are proud parents to a very lively staffie pup named ............Mollie.
A couple of long term volunteers by name of Colin and Moira are getting ready to leave next week and we will really miss them as they have been really good company.
Thankfully I still have "JD" to hang out with. He's an old Kiwi with a glint in his eye and a story for every occasion.