Thursday, November 17, 2011

November / December

During the last 2 months we have had an epidemic of bushfires mostly caused by hoons with firecrackers and "black lightning" although a few were ligitimate lightning strikes. Fortunately most of the country is low grass and scrub so the fires though bad enough, weren't as destructive as in heavily timbered country but the fires were huge in scope, some were on a 35km front. Last summers' heavy rain had made the grass grow much more than usual and it had died off. In the end they brought in firefighters from interstate and some of the culprits were caught and punished so the problem seems to have gone away.
It is with much sadness that I must report that the little dog whbich wormed its way into our hearts is no more. She got into my medication and died.
I was asked to be the tour guide for Hall of Fame. I have met so many interesting people people and I have learnt so much about trucks. Most of the tours are from Ghan train  passengers together with tourists staying at hotels and schoolchildren both local and remote.
Had some trouble walking and the Doctor recommended a podiatrist who fitted me with orthotics for my shoes. Left foot has been great but right one is almost crippling! Had about 6 lots of acupuncture but doesn't seem to work.
Life here is still great, we both love it
Maureen got a bee in her bonnet about going to Hong Kong and  once she got a glimmer of agreement from me she was like a dog with a bone.... I didn't know she was this tenacious. Think I will hire her out  as an event organiser.
We leave in early February.

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